Monthly Archives: October 2010

High Price to Pay for Women Entrepreneur

Once upon a time, my skin enjoyed monthly facials, massage and sleep

Now it’s been almost five months since my last indulgence.

No time, no money

And people have added that I looked older, or in a more courteous manner, replacing the ‘O’ adjective (I refuse to repeat it in full again) with tired/exhausted/stressed.

Apparently, the enthusiasm and excitement of running my own business isn’t obvious at all


Entrepreneurship can add some years to a person's appearance. No joke, I'm a case study.


Aging and women will always be, and forever and ever be arch rivals

This is universal truth

I accept aging, but that doesn’t mean I want to age (maybe guys wouldn’t get it)

Moreover, it’s PREMATURE aging here, so I have to fuss!

Science has also proven that women age more easily than men!

Blame the sacred group of proteins, collagen

Collagen, like calcium, leaves us much faster than it does for men

I refuse to pay the ultimate price for entrepreneurship – my youthful looks

If nature isn’t helping, then I got to seek a balance here, quickly.

This includes signing off now to catch some shuteye..

Maybe I can check in to work earlier? Hmmm…

Well, it’s hard to not think about work, if you get what I mean.. But I’ll try, for the sake of my looks!

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Filed under Small talk

A Natural Aversion to Stress

From young, I was brought up to be strong

In school, whenever my friends lament, complain and whine about stress, I’ll keep my cool

Stress was a self-inflicted feeling. If I managed my time and responsibilities well, stress will never catch up on me

Most importantly, I didn’t like to be associated with stress

Because, to me, it is a sign of incapability and weakness

Before you start protesting, let me add that I’ve realised how my thoughts are incorrect.

After three months of toiling tirelessly for Artyii, people around me have said I’m constantly appearing stressed

Argh…I cringed at such a label, nevertheless I’ll respond with a polite smile and assure them that I’m okay.

Thank you for the concern

After starting Artyii, people have been saying I look stressed everytime...

I came to terms with stress very recently

A local press ran a story on coping with stress and the signs of stress

Usually, I wouldn’t even bother to speed-read such an article

Yet on this day, it made me understood that it’s OKAY to be feel stress

What’s important is to avoid using stress as an excuse for failures to fulfill work responsibilities

Unfortunately, many people do this unconsciously

Identify this ‘S’ feeling and plan ways to mitigate it, not drown yourself in it

Simply put

Turn stress to your advantage

Perhaps the next time you feel like nothing’s working out for you

Ask yourself how you can turn things around

Today, while I never tell people that I’m stressed ( too used to putting up a strong-front)

I admit to myself that I am and plot my route to recovery


Filed under Small talk